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ST4.3 Media

Space Weather and its Effects on Terrestrial and Geo-Space Environments: Science and Application
Convener: Hanna Rothkaehl  | Co-Conveners: Viviane Pierrard , Sean Elvidge 
 / Thu, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00

The topic will cover the wide range of the aspects of solar-terrestrial physics that deal with the effects of space phenomena on different levels of geo-space. Effects range from those observed on spacecraft related activities all the way down to Earth to other solar system bodies and include technological systems, human health and life in space, as well as Earth`s climate.

We welcome theoretical, observational, as well as applied contributions(effects on terrestrial and geo-space environments) on all aspects of space weather.

Special emphasis will be put on new multi-diagnostics data base and services and on construction of relevant roadmap for future Space Weather products, application for Space geodetic techniques such as GNSS (ground-and satellite-based), DORIS, VLBI, satellite altimetry or the GPS radio occultation missions, as well as contributions related to the ESA Space Situational Awareness (SSA).

This session aims at merging new and existing methods of observations and diagnostics of Solar System habitats, as LOFAR radio diagnostics and new investigation and application for incoming ESA exploration mission like JUICE, SOLAR ORBITER.