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EarthCube Program: International Collaborations and Partnerships (public)
Conveners: Mohan Ramamurthy , Kerstin Lehnert 
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:30–12:00

The United States National Science Foundation’s EarthCube program is a community-driven activity aimed at transforming the conduct of geosciences research and education by creating a well-connected and facile environment for sharing and integrating data and knowledge across all geoscience disciplines in an open, transparent, and inclusive manner and to accelerate our ability to understand and predict the Earth system. After five years of community engagement, governance, and development activities, EarthCube is now transitioning into an implementation phase. During this implementation phase of EarthCube, it will be important to explore and leverage synergies and standards with similar e-infrastructure programs and projects in Europe and elsewhere and discuss strategic partnerships and mutually beneficial collaborations to increase interoperability of systems for advancing EarthCube’s goals in an efficient and effective manner.
This Splinter Meeting will discuss the progress of EarthCube on a number of fronts and engage geoscientists in the future steps toward the development of geoscience cyberinfrastructure for research and hold a focused discussion on opportunities for strategic partnerships and mutually beneficial collaborations with similar e-infrastructure efforts across the world.