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Title: How can NP division help you in your research activities? (co-organized)
Convener: Auguste Gires  | Co-Conveners: Shaun Lovejoy , Stéphane Vannitsem 
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00

Nonlinear Processes division topics and activities are not well known among ECS. This short course overcoming these limitations and showing ECS how NP concepts can help them in their research activity.

This short course will be organised as follow:
(i) NP experts (division president and former president, science officers, and few ECS) will briefly (few minutes) share their vision of NP and how it can be helpful to ECS in their research activity.
(ii) An informal discussion with ECS audience.

Although the geosciences are rife with nonlinearity, the NP division is focused on a series of nonlinear paradigms whose applications cut across the “geospheres”, disciplines.  Examples include deterministic chaos, tipping points, nonlinear waves, similarity across scales (scaling, scale invariance, fractals, multifractals), network theory, stochasticity, predictability and its limits, pattern formation, self-organized criticality, extreme events.  NP geoscience is highly multidisciplinary, it plays an important role in fundamental geoscience.  Applications of NP science include new methodologies, new modelling and new data analysis techniques.