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Introducing groundwater management using FREEWAT
Convener: Giovanna De Filippis  | Co-Conveners: Rudy Rossetto , Massimiliano Cannata , Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez 
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:30–13:15

During the last decades, depletion and qualitative degradation of groundwater are matters of concern at the global scale. As such, sustainable management and planning of grondwater resources is being considered of paramount importance in the agenda of local and national governments.
In this framework, the EU HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project (FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management; aims at providing innovative software tools to get a full characterization of hydrologic systems and the involved processes. A QGIS-integrated platform, the FREEWAT plugin and related utilities, allowing the simulation of the hydrological cycle is the main outcome of such efforts.
The FREEWAT plugin is conceived as a canvas, where several codes (mainly belonging to the USGS MODFLOW family) for the simulation of the hydrological cycle, hydrochemical or economic processes, are integrated in the QGIS desktop and where large spatial datasets can be stored, managed and visualized. This aims at evaluating hydrologic balance and assessing groundwater status and availability to support planning and management activities.
The objective of this short course is to present FREEWAT modules and to demonstrate some of its capabilities through performing an exercise. The course will consist in a short theoretical introduction followed by tutorials and exercises. The plugin executable will be provided along with manuals and data for exercises. Participants to this course will work on their own laptop and they will be provided with all the necessary material prior the beginning of the conference.
Participation to this short course is free of charge. A maximum of 40 seats are available.
Registration is mandatory. If you wish to participate, please write an e-mail to Giovanna De Filippis (, providing the following information:
- Name and Surname
- Affiliation (name of institution, city, country)
- E-mail contact
Further information about the FREEWAT project can be found at the following web site: