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Satellite optical processing pipelines for Earth surface motion analysis (co-organized)
Convener: Jean-Philippe Malet  | Co-Conveners: André Stumpf , David Michea 
Tue, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00

Agile stereo-capable very-high resolution (VHR) optical satellites has facilitated the acquisition of multi-view images of the earth surface. Digital Surface Models (DSM) and point clouds computed from such satellite stereo-acquisitions can provide valuable input for studies in geomorphology, tectonics, glaciology, hydrology and urban remote sensing. Further, the availability of optical satellite image time-series allows the computation of horizontal displacement fields using single or multiple pairwise image correlation techniques The processing, however, still requires significant expertise, computational resources and/or costly commercial softwares. To enable a large Earth Science community to process easily and rapidly optical VHR multi-view images, fully automated pipelines have been developed for DSM reconstruction and Earth surface ground movement quantification. The implemented pipelines are based on open-source photogrammetric libraries and are designed for distributed processing on cloud-based or high-performance processing infrastructures.
The objective of this short course is to present the pipelines through dedicated computer practicals and representative case studies in geomorphology (earthquake, landslides, glaciers).

The short course will be animated by André Stumpf, David Michéa and Jean-Philippe Malet (EOST/University of Strasbourg and CNRS).

Registration to janphilippe.malet(at)

Public information: The processing tools will be presented using the GEP (GeoHazards Exploitation Platform) Facility of ESA hosting some of these services.