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Town Hall on International Collaboration and Travel Amid the Global Rise of Nationalism and Populism
Conveners: Chris McEntee , Eric Davidson 
Thu, 27 Apr, 18:00–19:00

Recent political events in the United States such as changes in immigration and visa policies, proposals for deep cuts in science funding, and statements questioning the value of evidenced-based science for informing policy are causing confusion and concern across many sectors. Even more impactful in the scientific community: These events are beginning to have a negative impact on international science collaborations. While much of the public dialogue recently has focused on the implications of actions by the new U.S. administration, incidents of intrusions into scientific integrity and limitations on public transparency of data/findings are not limited to one country. The shift toward nationalism and populism as evidenced by BREXIT, as well as the popularity of “populist” presidential and parliamentary candidates in other countries, are also creating anxiety.
In the face of this shifting landscape of governmental support for and recognition of scientific contributions to society, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) is more committed than ever to fostering collaboration and engagement in the global scientific community. In this session, Eric Davidson, AGU President, and Chris McEntee, AGU’s CEO, will share perspectives about how science is expected to fair under the new U.S. administration as well as some specifics about what AGU is doing to continue to galvanize the scientific community. This Town Hall offers an opportunity to discuss these concerns and to present AGU’s plans to maximize meeting opportunities and minimize travel risks, including:
(1) Provide prospective travelers with regular updates from the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and other agencies and organizations regarding entry to the United States for our Fall Meeting in December and other AGU-sponsored meetings;
(2) Increase dynamic virtual participation opportunities during and after our Fall Meeting for those who cannot attend in person;
(3) Add programming focused on the importance of international collaborations in science and report session outcomes beyond the meeting.
AGU seeks your views and suggestions during this Town Hall to help us most effectively respond to the changing worldwide political landscape, to enable continued international collaborations in Earth and space science, and to make scientific discourse welcoming and rewarding. AGU invites you to help us make a strong statement through your presence and participation in this town hall and our meetings. We welcome written comments: