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Coupled atmosphere-hydrological modeling for improved hydro-meteorological predictions (co-organized)
Convener: Harald Kunstmann  | Co-Conveners: Alfonso Senatore , D. gochis , Francesca Viterbo 
 / Wed, 11 Apr, 13:30–15:00
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Prediction skill of hydro-meteorological forecasting systems has remarkably improved in recent decades. Advances in both weather and hydrology models, linked to the availability of more powerful and efficient computational resources, allowed the development of even more complex systems based on the combination of spatially distributed physically-based hydrologic and hydraulic models with deterministic and/or ensemble meteorological forecasts. In particular, among the emerging paradigms in the modeling of atmospheric and hydrological processes, fully-coupled modeling is a topic of growing interest among hydrometeorologists, hydroclimatologists and traditional hydrologists alike, because the possibility of including groundwater and soil moisture redistribution feedback in the lower boundary condition of meteorological models portends an improvement in process representation of water and energy fluxes modeling between land and the atmosphere. The improvement of hydrometeorological process representation and forecasts is one of the main purposes of the development of novel, fully two-way dynamically coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling systems.
The primary objective of the session is to create a valuable opportunity for the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and experiences among atmospheric-hydrological modelers and members of both hydrology and Earth System modeling communities. Contributions are invited dealing with the complex and cyclical interactions between surface water, groundwater and regional climate, with a specific focus on those presenting work on the development or application of one-way (both deterministic and ensemble) or fully-coupled hydrometeorological prediction systems for flood, flash-flood and water resources prediction. Presentations of intercomparisons between one-way and fully-coupled hydrometeorological chains are particularly encouraged, such as contributions on novel one-way and fully-coupled modeling systems that bridge spatial scales through dynamic regridding or upscaling/downscaling methodologies. Finally, presentations about on-field experiments and testbeds equipped with complex sensors and measurement systems allowing multi-variable validation of such complex modeling systems are also welcome.