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Formation and diagenetic pathways of carbonate archives: From ACC to dolomite (co-organized)
Convener: Adrian Immenhauser  | Co-Conveners: Martin Dietzel , Vasileios Mavromatis , Chelsea Pederson , Bettina Purgstaller 
 / Fri, 13 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Fri, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Carbonate archives are among the most important sources of information on climate dynamics throughout much of Earth’s history. Recent work including geomicrobiology, non-traditional isotope systems, biomineralization, and research on amorphous phases has driven an active and diverse community. Building on a series of successful EGU sessions in archive and diagenesis research, we once more invite contributions for 2018. This session is open for all abstracts in the field of carbonate nucleation, precipitation, and alteration research including abiogenic, biologically induced, and biogenic processes. Abstracts submitted should including recent research activities in experimental and/or field studies, petrographic or geochemical approaches and may include topics on all carbonate mineralogies.