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Challenges in soil physics research (co-organized)
Convener: Gonzalo Martinez  | Co-Conveners: Luca Brocca , Antonio Coppola , Jaromir Dusek , Horst Herbert Gerke , Jay Jabro , Yakov Pachepsky , Karl Vanderlinden , Harry Vereecken 
 / Wed, 11 Apr, 10:30–12:00
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Soils are by nature heterogeneous. Patterns reflecting the heterogeneity of soil variables, parameter and fluxes may be organized in deterministic and stochastic structures both in space and time.
Currently, more and more spatio-temporal soil data become available at different scales under varying environmental conditions and soil management systems. This richness of information can provide a deeper knowledge on key soil properties and a better understanding of the interplay between processes across scales, thus allowing the improvement in modeling results and satellite or ground-based sensor data retrievals.
This session is focused but is not limited to the following topics: measuring and observing patterns in soil systems, characterization of temporal and spatial variability using temporal stability analysis, scaling, space-time geostastistics or contributions that present
modeling techniques to analyze the impact of spatial-temporal variability in soil states (e.g. soil moisture) and fluxes.