GMPV1.7/BG1.34 Micro- and nanoscale Geosciences (co-organized) |
Convener: Dimitrios Papoulis | Co-Conveners: Xabier Arroyo , Elena Scibilia , Carmen Sanchez-Valle , Francois Renard , Karen Appel |
/ Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00
The study of materials and processes at the micro/nanoscale and their role in geological processes and applications is an expanding field of research. These studies address a number of critical issues to Geosciences, including (but not limited to): metals, oxides and organics transport in the near-surface environment; toxic metal dispersion; global geochemical and climate cycles; microbial geochemical action; origin of life; ore deposition and exploitation; oil industry; soil science; Planetary science and space exploration; atmospheric particle transport; archeometry; fault systems and earthquake nucleation; radioactive waste management. Minerals can behave very differently at the nanoscale comparing with their bulk counterparts due to differences in structure and significant properties, especially Specific Surface Area (SSA) and plasticity. Sychrotron-based techniques provide the spatial and energy resolution to investigate the behavior of nanominerals, mineral nanoparticles and mineral interfaces. We invite contributions from interdisciplinary studies that illustrate studies of material properties at the micro- and nanoscales and their role in Geosciences.