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Eurasian Aeolian Deposits: Understanding atmospheric variability and interactions (co-organized)
Convener: Li Li  | Co-Conveners: Youbin Sun , Frank Lehmkuhl , Jef Vandenberghe 
 / Mon, 09 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Mon, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Aeolian deposits are valuable continental archives of past atmospheric and climate changes. A wealth of information such as the dust and moisture transportation can be traced using multiple proxies. In particular, the aeolian deposits over the Eurasian continent are highly sensitive to westerly-monsoon variability and interactions. The session aims to highlight the most recent developments and findings of this unique archive and synthesize its hemispheric implications for past atmospheric variability and tele-connections from North Atlantic to East Asian continents. This session invites presentations that give an insight into data syntheses from aeolian deposits, and quantitative temperature and hydroclimate reconstructions from local to hemispheric scales. We also welcome contributions addressing paleoclimate variability from tectonic to centennial timescales using data-model integration. On the basis of the submissions, we will attempt to discuss how integrating different aeolian sequences from Europe to central and East Asian and comparing climate models and reconstructions. We hope to offer a way forward towards proxy-data assimilation and model-data comparison.