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SC1.26 ECS

Geodynamics 101: how to use and interpret numerical models of the solid Earth
Wed, 11 Apr, 13:30–15:00

The main goal of this short course is to provide an introduction into the basic concepts of numerical modelling of solid Earth processes in the Earth’s crust and mantle in a non-technical manner. It is dedicated to everyone who is interested in, but not necessarily experienced with, understanding numerical models; in particular early career scientists (BSc, MSc, PhD students and postdocs) and people who are new to the field of geodynamic modelling. Emphasis will be put on what numerical models are and how scientists can interpret, use, and work with them while taking into account the advantages and limitations of the different methods. We will go through setting up a numerical model in a step-by-step process, using specific examples from key papers and problems in solid Earth geodynamics to showcase:
(1) The motivation behind using numerical methods,
(2) The basic equations used in geodynamic modelling studies, what they mean, and their assumptions,
(3) How to choose appropriate numerical methods,
(4) How to benchmark the resulting code,
(5) How to go from the geological problem to the model setup,
(6) How to set initial and boundary conditions,
(7) How to interpret the model results.
Armed with the knowledge of a typical modelling workflow, participants will then be able to better assess the use of a specific numerical model to answer their research question.
The 90-minute short course is run by early career geodynamicists. Discussion and questions will be greatly encouraged.