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GPlates: an open-source and cross-platform deep-time plate tectonic reconstruction platform (co-organized)
Convener: Sabin Zahirovic  | Co-Conveners: Dietmar Müller , Martina Ulvrova 
Thu, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:00

GPlates is a community software package that allows users to visualise, create and modify digital plate tectonic reconstructions of geodata in deep geological time. GPlates is open-source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux and Mac), and has been used by a range of researchers in Earth sciences (e.g., plate tectonics, geodynamics, hydrocarbon and mineral prospectivity, paleobiology, paleo-climate, paleo-oceanography, deep carbon cycling, etc.). The workshop provides an introduction to the software to new users (e.g., how to combine your own data with plate reconstructions), while also covering new features in GPlates 2.0 for power users (e.g., project files, 3D volume visualisation, deforming plate reconstructions, etc.). You can follow the workshop if you bring your own laptop computer. You can download and install GPlates from as well as the user manual, the tutorial documents and associated files.

Please fill out this online form to register for the GPlates course: