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Experimental and field turbulence in geophysical and environmental flows
Co-Conveners: Otman Ben Mahjoub , Philippe Fraunie 
Mon, 09 Apr, 15:30–17:00

See information at:

1. Environmental Turbulence (2D versus 3D) effects of body forces: Stratification and Rotation
2. The Turbulent structure of atmospheric fields
3. Bio-turbulence at different scales
4. Physical oceanography
5. Astrophysical Turbulence
6. Intermittency and non-locality in complex Turbulence
7. Laboratory simulations of complex flows

A related complete syllabus from last years can be found

More Student hands-on Material will follow

This short course will cover topics in: Experimental and Field Turbulence in Geophysical and Environmental, it will include lectures and some flow visualization experiments.

The Turbulent structure of atmospheric fields; Bio-turbulence at different scales; Physical oceanography; Astrophysical Turbulence; Intermittency and non-locality in complex Turbulence; Laboratory simulations of complex flows and the shedule will be as follows:

Experimental and Field Turbulence in Geophysical and Environmental

José Redondo

1) Environmental Turbulence and Intermittency: Effects of body forces: Stratification and Rotation

1.1 Homogeneous Turbulence, Statistical descriptors, Locality, 2D-3D cascades
1.2 Inhomogeneous turbulence, body forces, Buoyancy, Brunt-Vaisala and Coriolis frequencies, Burger number.
1.3 Rossby Deformation Radius and Waves 1.4 Spectral descriptions of Reynolds Stresses
1.5 Vorticity, Transport, Energy, Enstrophy and Helicity
1.6 Lagrangian and Eulerian correlations
1.7 Geophysical Turbulence; Topology and Intermittency
1.8 Dominant Instabilities. Magneto-Hydrodynamics. Solar Wind
1.9 Intermittency, Mixing and Stirring, Propulsive Efficiency

Otman Ben Mahjoub

2) Structure Functions, ESS and Laboratory Geophysical Experiments

2.1 Extended Self Similarity, Scaling exponents. Bio-structures.
2.2 Non-Homogeneous and Non-Local flows, BDF Theory.
2.3 Internal waves and Intermittency in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
2.4 Generalized Intermittency, Multifractal Analysis, Multiscaling,
2.5 Examples of Laboratory Flow Visualizations
2.6 PIV, SFIV, Particle Tracking.
2.7 Sedimentation, Percolation, Reactive diffusion.

Phillipe Fraunie, Svetlana Karimova:

3) Physical Oceanography

3.1 Observation of Coherent structures in the ocean (Fronts, waves and vortices) by use of satellites, RV cruises, buoys, gliders and HF coastal radars.
3.2 Recent approaches: Quasi Geostropphy and Lagrangain description Finite time Lyapunov exponents
3.3 Internal waves and vertical mixing.
3.4 Satellite study of the ocean surface, eddy structures and topology
3.5 Plankton and Turbulence, Fractal behaviour of active and passive tracers.

Jose M. Redondo

4) The Turbulent Structure of Atmospheric Fields

4.1 The standard 2D-3D model and the anisotropic scales
4.2 Horizontal scaling of atmospheric fields: satellite, reanalyses. 4.3 Vertical scaling, drop sondes and the outage problem
4.4 Horizontal-vertical sections: the aircraft isobar problem, lidar, CloudSat.
4.5 Comparison of Planetay Atmospheres and Oceans, Rossby-Reynolds-Richardsons Parameter Space. Jupiter's Zonal winds and the Big Eye.
4.6 Temporal scaling: Lagrangian and Eulerian statistics