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Scaling Climate Action and Sustainable Practices Through Collective Impact
Convener: Mark McCaffrey 
Tue, 10 Apr, 19:00–20:00

The aim of rapidly deploying and scaling strategies to transform society toward a more survivable, sustainable future is supported by numerous initiatives, including the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement, Mission 2020, Future Earth, Project Drawdown, The World In 2050, C40, ICLEI, CDP and many others. Informed by the latest scientific thinking, including peer reviewed literature and reports such as the forthcoming IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C, these initiatives seek to shape policies and empower actions that will minimize risks and maximize resilience and effective responses. This townhall meeting will briefly highlight goals and recommendations of such efforts and focus on scaling climate action and sustainable practices from the individual to global scales by identifying critical challenges and opportunities, especially at the community level. Discussion will explore a shared agenda, consider common strategies and metrics of progress and engagement, and examine ways of maximizing the collective impact of these overlapping efforts.