Peering into the past: the power of microstructures to unravel metamorphic and igneous processes
Convener: Silvio Ferrero | Co-conveners: Gautier Nicoli, Brendan Dyck, Marian Holness
| Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00
Room -2.91
| Attendance Wed, 10 Apr, 10:45–12:30
Hall X2

The microstructure of igneous and metamorphic rocks are archives preserving abundant information about rock history, such as heating and cooling rates, metasomatism and fluid infiltration, timing and location of nucleation and crystal growth, crystallisation regime, and the extent, mechanisms and timing of deformation. Microstructural features achieve even greater importance when combined with geochemical data, but their potential is commonly under-recognised.
We welcome contributions covering the entire range of igneous and metamorphic petrology, which either showcase development of new microstructural analysis techniques or new applications of well-established techniques, or illustrate how microstructural interpretation adds to our understanding of rock history. We anticipate that this broadly-conceived session will trigger exciting new synergies across a wide range of microstructural studies.