EGU General Assembly 2020
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A Geodesist's Involvement Into Archaeology; A Beginning of Huge Discoveries

Mosab Hawarey
Mosab Hawarey
  • Geomatics for the Middle East, Jordan (

Geodesists have a different mindset; major or minor involvement in mapping, navigation, positioning, surveying, gravity, coordinate frames and systems, geographical information systems, photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning, satellite orbit determination, orbital mechanics, interferometry and many other fields all help in the grand builtup of a resilient scientist who can emerge with an explorer attitude towards various facets of life; archaeology being one of them, needless to say. If this hybrid composite of mindset and attitude is combined with disciplined and smart usage of geophysical 3D imaging instrumentations deployed frequently by treasure hunters, geodesists might be in a very unique position to make a big bang in the world; finding archaeological Black Swans that might serve to rewrite certain narratives of ancient history is something geodesists must consider deeply. In this presentation, an approach and a discovery will be presented.

How to cite: Hawarey, M.: A Geodesist's Involvement Into Archaeology; A Beginning of Huge Discoveries, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17,, 2019


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