EGU General Assembly 2020
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The COST action CA17133 "Circular city"

Natasa Atanasova and Guenter Langergraber
Natasa Atanasova and Guenter Langergraber
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia (

Resource depletion, climate change and degradation of ecosystems are challenges faced by cities worldwide and will increase if cities do not adapt. In order to tackle those challenges, it is necessary to transform our cities into sustainable systems using a holistic approach. One element in achieving this transition is the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). They can provide a range of ecosystem services beneficial for the urban biosphere such as regulation of micro-climates, flood prevention, water treatment, food provision and more. However, most NBS are implemented serving only one single purpose. Adopting the concept of circular economy by combining different types of services and returning resources to the city, would increase the benefits gained for urban areas.

The COST Action CA17133 "Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city" aims to establish a network testing the hypothesis that a circular flow system that implements NBS for managing nutrients and resources within the urban biosphere will lead to a resilient, sustainable and healthy urban environment.

To tackle this challenge the Action comprises five working groups (WGs):

  • WG1: Built environment
  • WG2: Sustainable urban water utilisation
  • WG3: Resource recovery
  • WG4: Urban Farming
  • WG5: Transformation tools

The network of researches, companies and stakeholders from more than 40 countries spread over whole Europe brings together a large diversity of disciplines and is therefore well equipped taking holistic approach on embedding NBS within circular economy. In the presentation we will present the first results already achieved and the future plans of the Action.

How to cite: Atanasova, N. and Langergraber, G.: The COST action CA17133 "Circular city", EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21733,, 2020


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