Permafrost: Open Session (Part 1, Morning, General Contributions; Part 2, Afternoon, Retrogressive Thaw Slumps)
Convener: Reginald Muskett | Co-conveners: Florence Magnin, Michael Krautblatter, Sebastian Wetterich, Thomas Opel, Trevor Porter, Melissa Ward Jones
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), Attendance Tue, 05 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

The Permafrost Open Session is a platform for the presentation and discussion of current research focusing on (a) permafrost and associated natural systems; (b) the interaction of permafrost and climate; (c) the impact of permafrost changes on both, natural and human systems; and (d) the measurement, understanding, modeling, and parameterization of corresponding processes. Contributions are welcome on high-latitude, mountain, and planetary permafrost.
Our program has two parts this year: Part 1, Morning, General Contributions; Part 2, Afternoon, Retrogressive Thaw Slumps.

We look forward to a high-quality session with a high number of contributions that reflect diverse scientific fields, approaches, and geographic locations. We would like to especially encourage contributions that (a) present novel measurement and monitoring approaches; (b) present new strategies to improve process understanding; (c) come from or interface with differing fields of science or innovative technologies and methods; (d) investigate model validation, model uncertainty, or spatial and temporal scale/scalability; (e) couple models of diverse processes or scales.

The Permafrost Open Session complements several other sessions with more specific foci (such as natural hazards, geophysics, or geomorphology) and is intended to be the forum for research primarily focusing on permafrost phenomena.

This year we also have a special section on retrogressive thaw slumps, rapid degradation features in ice-rich permafrost. This section focuses on (1) modern thaw slumps dynamics monitored by onsite and remote sensing as well as geophysical methods, (2) on quality and quantity of released material and its impact on adjacent ecosystems, and (3) on still preserved Quaternary inventories of fossil organic matter and ground ice that are accessible in thaw slump headwalls.

Public information:
Please note that the order and number of presentations has been changed as some authors could not attend under the circumstances.
Authors are kindly asked to upload display material by Sunday, 3rd May, 2020, 16:00 CEST, so that there is some time prior to the online chat for viewing the displays.

Morning Session Tuesday 05 May, 10:45–12:30 CEST (Conveners Sebastian Wetterich, Thomas Opel)

10.45 - 10.50
Sign in and introduction to morning session

10.50 – 10.55
D2656 | EGU2020-16115
Climate extremes relevant for permafrost degradation
Goran Georgievski, Stefan Hagemann, Dmitry Sein, Dmitry Drozdov, Andrew Gravis, Vladimir Romanovsky, Dmitry Nicolsky, Alexandru Onaca, Florina Ardelean, Marinela Chețan, and Andrei Dornik

10.55 – 11.01
D2683 | EGU2020-9106
Recent ground thermal dynamics and variations in northern Eurasia
Liangzhi Chen, Juha Aalto, and Miska Luoto

11.01 – 11.07
D2651 | EGU2020-8473
Integrating subsea permafrost into an Earth System Model (MPI-ESM)
Stiig Wilkenskjeld, Paul Overduin, Frederieke Miesner, Matteo Puglini, and Victor Brovkin

11.07 – 11.12
D2669 | EGU2020-10477
Representing Arctic coastal erosion in the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM)
David Marcolino Nielsen, Johanna Baehr, Victor Brovkin, and Mikhail Dobrynin

11.12 – 11.18
D2695 | EGU2020-18397
Upscaling of geophysical measurements: A methodology for the estimation of the total ground ice content at two study sites in the dry Andes of Chile and Argentina
Tamara Mathys, Christin Hilbich, Cassandra E.M. Koenig, Lukas Arenson, and Christian Hauck

11.18 – 11.23
D2693 | EGU2020-15162
The potential of satellite derived surface state to empirically estimate pan-arctic ground temperature at specific depths and the essential role of in-situ data
Christine Kroisleitner, Annett Bartsch, Birgitt Heim, and Mareike Wiezorek

11.23 – 11.29
D2653 |EGU2020-10903
20 years of mountain permafrost monitoring in the Swiss Alps: key results and major challenges
Jeannette Noetzli and Cécile Pellet

11.29 – 11.34
D2681 | EGU2020-7489
Quantification of ground ice through petrophysical joint inversion of seismic and electrical data applied to alpine permafrost
Coline Mollaret, Florian M. Wagner, Christin Hilbich, and Christian Hauck

11.34 – 11.39
D2692 | EGU2020-14047
Permafrost monitoring by reprocessing and repeating historical geoelectrical measurements
Christian Hauck, Christin Hilbich, Coline Mollaret, and Cécile Pellet

11.39 – 11.44
D2694 | EGU2020-18276
THM Experiment for the Investigation of Freeze-Thaw Processes in Soils and Grouting Materials
Jan Christopher Hesse, Markus Schedel, Bastian Welsch, and Ingo Sass

11.44 – 11.49
D2654 |EGU2020-10183
Measuring and modelling thermal erosion patterns of peat plateaus in northern Norway Sebastian Westermann, Leo Martin, Jan Nitzbon, Kjetil Aas, Johanna Scheer, Trond Eiken, and Bernd Etzelmüller

11.49 – 11.54
D2690 | EGU2020-13874
Towards mechanical modeling of rock glaciers from modal analysis of passive seismic data
Antoine Guillemot, Laurent Baillet, Stéphane Garambois, Xavier Bodin, Éric Larose, Agnès Helmstetter, and Raphaël Mayoraz

11.54 – 11.59
D2659 | EGU2020-6965
Monitoring rapid permafrost thaw using elevation models generated from satellite radar interferometry
Philipp Bernhard, Simon Zwieback, Silvan Leinss, and Irena Hajnsek

11.59 – 12.04
D2667 | EGU2020-746
The specificity of thermal denudation feature distribution on Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, Russia
Nina Nesterova, Artem Khomutov, Arina Kalyukina, and Marina Leibman

12.04 – 12.09
D2672 | EGU2020-2999
Multi-method dating of ancient permafrost of the Batagay megaslump, East Siberia
Sebastian Wetterich, Julian B. Murton, Phillip Toms, Jamie Wood, Alexander Blinov, Thomas Opel, Margret C. Fuchs, Silke Merchel, Georg Rugel, Andreas Gärtner, and Grigoriy Savvinov

12.09 – 12.14
D2673 | EGU2020-3748
Ground-ice stable-isotope paleoclimatology at the Batagay megaslump, East Siberia
Thomas Opel, Sebastian Wetterich, Hanno Meyer, and Julian Murton

12.14 – 12.19
D2675 | EGU2020-20513
Vegetation at the northern pole of cold during the climate extremes of the late Pleistocene: fossil records from the Batagay mega thaw slump, Yakutia
Frank Kienast, Kseniia Ashastina, Svetlana Kuzmina, and Natalya Rudaya

12.19 – 12.24
D2674 | EGU2020-21041
Characterisation of East Siberian paleodiversity based on ancient DNA analyses of the Batagay megaslump exposure
Jeremy Courtin, Amedea Perfumo, Kathleen Stoof-Leichsenring, and Ulrike Herzschuh

12.24 – 12.30
Open discussion / session summary

Afternoon session Tuesday 05 May, 14:00–15:45 CEST (Conveners Sebastian Wetterich, Florence Magnin, Trevor Porter)

14.00 – 14.05
Sign in and introduction to afternoon session

14.05 – 14.10
D2686 |EGU2020-10837
Does shrubs growth in the high-Arctic lead to permafrost warming?
Florent Domine, Georg Lackner, Maria Belke-Brea, Denis Sarrrazin, and Daniel Nadeau

14.10 – 14.16
D2689 | EGU2020-13452
How do microorganisms from permafrost soils respond to short-term warming?
Victoria Martin, Julia Wagner, Niek Speetjens, Rachele Lodi, Julia Horak, Carolina Urbina-Malo, Moritz Mohrlok, Cornelia Rottensteiner, Willeke a' Campo, Luca Durstewitz, George Tanski, Michael Fritz, Hugues Lantuit, Gustaf Hugelius, and Andreas Richter

14.16 – 14.21
D2655 | EGU2020-21805
Decade of permafrost thaw in a subarctic palsa mire alters carbon fluxes without affecting net carbon balance
Carolina Olid, Jonatan Klaminder, Sylvain Monteux, Margareta Johansson, and Ellen Dorrepaal

14.21 – 14.27
D2677 | EGU2020-1428
Modelled (1990-2100) Variations in Active-Layer Thickness and Ice-Wedge Activity Near Salluit, Nunavik (Canada)
Samuel Gagnon and Michel Allard

14.27 – 14.32
D2670 | EGU2020-17801
Thermal behaviour of retrogressive thaw slumps over time revealed by ERT - an example from Herschel Island, Canada
Saskia Eppinger, Michael Krautblatter, Hugues Lantuit, and Michael Fritz

14.32 – 14.37
D2660 | EGU2020-14201
Multi-methodological investigation of a retrogressive thaw slump in the Richardson Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada
Julius Kunz, Christof Kneisel, Tobias Ullmann, and Roland Baumhauer

14.37 – 14.42
D2679 | EGU2020-2927
Slope hydrology and permafrost: The effect of snowmelt N transport on downslope ecosystem
Laura Helene Rasmussen, Per Ambus, Wenxin Zhang, Per Erik Jansson, Anders Michelsen, and Bo Elberling

14.42 – 14.47
D2662 | EGU2020-10567
Downstream persistence of particulate organic carbon released from thaw slumps on the Peel Plateau, NT, Canada
Sarah Shakil, Suzanne Tank, Steve Kokelj, and Jorien Vonk

14.47 – 14.52
D2661 | EGU2020-7176
Characterization of mobilized sediments and organic matter in retrogressive thaw slumps on the Peel Plateau, NWT, Canada
Lisa Bröder, Kirsi Keskitalo, Scott Zolkos, Sarah Shakil, Suzanne Tank, Tommaso Tesi, Bart van Dongen, Negar Haghipour, Timothy Eglinton, and Jorien Vonk

14.52 – 14.57
D2671 | EGU2020-12181
Long-term warming of Holocene winter temperatures in the Canadian Arctic recorded in stable water isotope ratios of ice wedges
Trevor Porter, Kira Holland, Duane Froese, and Steven Kokelj

14.57 – 15.03
D2678 | EGU2020-2416
The influence of radiative forcing on permafrost temperatures in Arctic rock walls
Juditha Schmidt, Sebastian Westermann, Bernd Etzelmüller, and Florence Magnin

15.03 – 15.08
D2685 | EGU2020-10325
Modelling of long-term permafrost evolution in the discontinuous permafrost zone of North-West Siberia
Ekaterina Ezhova, Ilmo Kukkonen, Elli Suhonen, Olga Ponomareva, Andrey Gravis, Viktor Gennadinik, Victoria Miles, Dmitry Drozdov, Hanna Lappalainen, Vladimir Melnikov, and Markku Kulmala

15.08 – 15.13
D2698 | EGU2020-19984
New multi-phase thermo-geophysical model: Validate ERT-monitoring & assess permafrost evolution in alpine rock walls (Zugspitze, German/Austrian Alps)
Tanja Schroeder, Riccardo Scandroglio, Verena Stammberger, Maximilian Wittmann, and Michael Krautblatter

15.13 – 15.18
D2696 | EGU2020-18808 Climate-change-induced changes in steep alpine permafrost bedrock. 13 years of 3D-ERT at the Steintälli ridge, Switzerland.
Riccardo Scandroglio and Michael Krautblatter

15.18 – 15.23
D2697 | EGU2020-19575
Modelling water-related processes in rock wall permafrost
Florence Magnin, Jean-Yves Josnin, Ludovic Ravanel, and Philip Deline

15.23 – 15.28
D2684 | EGU2020-9534
Why rock glacier deformation velocities correlate with both ground temperatures and water supply at multiple temporal scales
Robert Kenner, Luisa Pruessner, Jan Beutel, Philippe Limpach, and Marcia Phillips

15.28 – 15.33
D2682 |EGU2020-8076
Long-term energy balance measurements at three different mountain permafrost sites in the Swiss Alps
Martin Hoelzle, Christian Hauck, Jeannette Noetzli, Cécile Pellet, and Martin Scherler

15.33 – 15.39
D2658 |EGU2020-12498
Slope thermokarst transforms permafrost preserved glacial landscapes and effects propagate through Arctic drainage networks.
Steve Kokelj, Justin Kokoszka, Jurjen van der Sluijs, Ashley Rudy, Jon Tunnicliffe, Sarah Shakil, Suzanne Tank, and Scott Zolkos

15.39 – 15.45
Open discussion / session summary