Glacier Monitoring from In-situ and Remotely Sensed Observations
Convener: Frank Paul | Co-conveners: Ines Dussaillant, Gwenn Flowers, Jon Ove Hagen, Nicholas Barrand, Matthias Huss, Georg Kaser, Harry Zekollari
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

Process understanding is key to assessing the sensitivity of glacier systems to changing climate. Comprehensive glacier monitoring provides the base for large-scale assessment of glacier change. Glaciers are monitored on different spatio-temporal scales, from extensive seasonal mass balance studies at selected glaciers to multi-decadal repeat inventories at the scale of entire mountain ranges. Internationally coordinated glacier monitoring aims at combining in-situ measurement with remotely sensed data, and local process understanding with global coverage. This session invites studies from a variety of disciplines, from tropical to polar glaciers, addressing both in-situ and remotely sensed monitoring of glaciers, as well as uncertainty assessments.

This year we have combined session CR2.7 with CR1.6 "Glaciers and ice caps under climate change":
Mountain glaciers and ice caps are major contributors to sea-level rise and have large impacts on water balance of local basins. This is a general session on glaciers and ice caps where the relationship to climate forms a particular focus. The IPCC AR5 of Working Group 1 covers Earths Glaciers and Ice Caps outside the ice sheets under the heading of Glaciers and shows that, despite much progress recently provided by the community, we are still left with substantial unknowns. We need to acquire more data, both from new fieldwork and release of unpublished data from prior years on mass changes of glaciers and ice caps from all regions of the world. We need to improve the understanding of the processes behind the changes, and we need to improve the application of models of different complexity. We welcome presentations on all aspects of mass changes; current, past and future changes based on field observations, remote sensing and modeling. Studies of physical processes controlling accumulation and ablation including calving and submarine melting, are especially welcome.

Solicited speakers:
Joshua R. Leigh: 'Identifying and mapping very small mountain glaciers on coarse to high-resolution imagery'
Martin Hoelzle: 'Glacier monitoring, capacity building and related cryospheric research in Central Asia'

Public information:
The nominal schedule can be found in the 'Session materials' file.