In many parts of the world, agriculture is threatened by climate change and land degradation in the form of soil erosion. Soil erosion involves the loss of fertile topsoil and reduction of soil productivity, as well as increased mobilization of sediment and delivery to rivers. Sedimentation of water bodies is especially problematic in arid regions where water scarcity is frequent. Furthermore, the dynamics of soil erosion and deposition processes substantially affects the redistribution of soil carbon in the landscapes. Despite being a significant risk to soil and water resources, soil erosion is an overlooked threat, especially in terms of climate change due to increased soil carbon emissions. Considerable discussion still exists about whether erosion results in enhanced emissions of carbon to the atmosphere (C source) or enhanced sequestration of carbon in the soil (C sink). More scientific information is essential to assess the role and impact of soil erosion on the terrestrial carbon budget, highlighting the effect of topography, soil type, land use/land cover and soil management. Another question of importance is the “intra-storage” of mobilized soil and carbon along the hillslopes and in different compartments within catchments. Driving factors of soil carbon distribution and the role of sediment connectivity across the landscape induced by erosion remain largely unknown. This session combines contributions on soil erosion and soil carbon at hillslope, small or large catchment scale in different agroecosystems, including both agricultural and forestry landscapes, using a diverse set of tools and data analyses such as field measurements, monitoring techniques, remotely sensed and GIS analyses, modelling, isotopic and non-isotopic erosion tracers, fingerprinting techniques, among others. Let’s come together and share findings, views and concepts to better understand soil erosion processes and its effect on the landscape-scale distribution of soil carbon.
PROGRAM online Chat
WELCOME to SSS2.5 online chat by conveners
16:17 (Chairperson: Leticia Gaspar)
D2148 | EGU2020-5833
Soil Organic Carbon Distribution and Isotope Composition Response to Erosion in Cropland under Soybean/Maize Production
Greg McCarty, Xia Li
16:27 (Chairperson: Leticia Gaspar)
D2149 | EGU2020-11147
Visual assessments and model estimations of soil erosion and relations to soil organic carbon
Hakan Djuma, Adriana Bruggeman, Marinos Eliades
16:37 (Chairperson: Jay Le Roux)
D2150 | EGU2020-3947
Soil erosion and sediment transport in South Africa: an overview
John Boardman, Ian Foster
16:47 (Chairperson: Jay Le Roux)
D2151 | EGU2020-8802
South Africa’s agricultural dust sources and events from the MSG SEVIRI record
Frank Eckardt, Johanna Von Holdt, Nickolaus Kuhn, Anthony Palmer, Jonathan Murray
16:57 (Chairperson: Jay Le Roux)
D2152 | EGU2020-3913
Determining Sub-Catchment Contributions to the Suspended Sediment load of the Tsitsa River,
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Laura Bannatyne, Ian Foster, Ian Meiklejohn, Bennie van der Waal
17:07 (Chairperson: Jay Le Roux)
D2153 | EGU2020-1186
Gully Initiation on the Quartzite Ridges of Ibadan, South West, Nigeria
Olutoyin Fashae, Rotimi Obateru, Adeyemi Olusola
17:17 (Chairperson: Lionel Mabit)
D2156 | EGU2020-494
Are human activities main drivers of soil organic carbon losses in mountain rainfed agroecosystems?
Ivan Lizaga, Leticia Gaspar, Laura Quijano, Maria Concepción Ramos, Ana Navas
17:27 (Chairperson: José Alfonso Gómez)
D2160 | EGU2020-17676
Lateral transport of SOC induced by water erosion in a Spanish agroecosystem
Leticia Gaspar, Lionel Mabit, Ivan Lizaga, Ana Navas
17:37 (Chairperson: Iván Lizaga)
D2163 | EGU2020-10027
Erosion and sediment enrichment ratio in volcanic soils
Ludmila La Manna, César Mario Rostagno, Manuela Tarabini, Federico Gomez, Ana Navas
17:47 (Chairperson: Jay Le Roux)
D2166 | EGU2020-2228
Quantitative assessment of gully erosion dynamics using a GIS implementation of Sidorchuks' DYNGUL model in Southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Adel omran, Dietrich Schroeder, Christian Sommer, Volker Hochschild, Aleksey Sidorchuk, Michael Maerker
CLOSING SSS2.5 online chat by conveners
Monday, 04 May, 16:15 - 18:00 (CEST)
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- The chat SSS2.5 is not yet open. It will be available on 04 May, 16:00–18:30
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