Plant traits, adaptation, and biogeochemical cycles – from measurements to models
Convener: Jens Kattge | Co-conveners: Michael Bahn, Oskar Franklin, Han Wang
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)

Plant traits extend the range of earth observations to the level of individual organisms, providing a link to ecosystem function and modeling in the context of rapid global changes. However, overcoming the differences in temporal and spatial scales between plant trait data and biogeochemical cycles remains a challenge.

This session will address the role of plant species traits, biodiversity, acclimation, and adaptation in the biogeochemical cycles of water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. We welcome conceptual, observational, experimental and modeling approaches, and studies from the local to the global scale, including in-situ or remote sensing observations.