The metamorphic rock record: pieces of the lithospheric puzzle
Co-organized by GD4/TS2
Convener: Matthijs Smit | Co-conveners: Daniela Rubatto, Tom Raimondo, Lucie Tajcmanova, Francesca Piccoli, José Alberto Padrón-Navarta, Carla Tiraboschi
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

From the Archean to the present, the dynamic evolution of the lithosphere is preserved in the metamorphic rock record. Each piece of evidence on mineral reactions, deformation and fluid-rock interaction helps to reconstruct the puzzle of lithospheric tectonics in all its complexity. Analytical and conceptual innovations in petrology, geochemistry, chronology, structural analysis and thermodynamic/thermomechanical modelling continue to improve our ability to read the metamorphic rock record and open new avenues for future development.

This session will highlight research in integrated metamorphic petrology and its application to solid earth behaviour in orogens, subduction zones and cratons throughout geological time. We welcome contributions across the breadth of this field—from petrology, (petro-)chronology, trace-element and isotope geochemistry to microstructures, modelling and geodynamics—with a focus on metamorphic and metasomatic processes that shape the lithosphere across a range of scales.

Invited speakers: Sarah Incel (University of Oslo), Richard Palin (University of Oxford) 

Public information:
We will have relatively few presentations in the 2nd slot, so we will transfer the last few of our 1st-slot presentations there (if authors are OK). This way we will have more time for further great discussions!