Non-ionizing man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been part of contemporary life for over a century and represent one of the fastest growing environmental influences. In many cases the electromagnetic pollution resulting from our technologies is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic radiation. All populations are now exposed to various degrees of electromagnetic pollution and the levels of man-made EMF continue to change and increase as technology advances. The main frequency domains of EMF currently are radiofrequency (RF; 100 kHz–300 GHz) and extremely low frequency (ELF; 0 Hz–300 Hz); exposure from applications in the intermediate frequency (IF; 300 Hz–100 kHz) and terahertz frequency (TF; >300 GHz) domains will become more prominent in the future. Biological and health effects of EMF have been investigated for several years, safety standards have been developed internationally, and regulations have been enforced by governments to provide protection against all known adverse health effects of exposure to EMF.
Performing measurements of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field levels in the environment is not a simple task; obtaining accurate and reproducible experimental data is definitely challenging. Users of EMF measurement instrumentation must have a thorough understanding of the types and limitations of their equipment, as well as of the conditions of the measurements they are executing. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of EMF is a complex activity, too, which provides useful insights to potential exposure associated with proposed installation of new electromagnetic sources, helps to guide preparation for measurements at existing facilities, and is a crucial tool in dosimetry.
Topics of interest for this session include:
- Design, realization and testing of novel broadband and narrowband instrumentation for the measurement of environmental low- and high-frequency EMF levels.
- Data acquisition strategies, data processing and data analysis methods.
- Development and use of analytical and numerical methods for the modelling and simulation of environmental electromagnetic fields.
- Exposure assessment in different environments, in the presence of different sources, and occupational exposure.
- Mechanisms of interaction and dosimetry approaches.
- Epidemiology, risk assessment, exposure standards and public policy.
- New emerging applications.
Assessment, measurement and calculation of electromagnetic field exposures: innovative sensors, smart data acquisition strategies, dosimetry techniques, and advanced analytical-numerical methods
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