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Tools and methods for insitu and laboratory investigations of plastic inclusions in polar, high mountain, permafrost, and remote areas
Co-organized by
Convener: Anatolii ChernovECSECS | Co-conveners: Denys Pishniak, Birgit Sattler, Clara Manno

Natural Surroundings are full of plastics. Their particles are detected on macro and micro scales in forests, oceans, glaciers and in organic matters around the globe. Even the most remote polar, permafrost and high mountain areas strive from artificial pollutants and plastic particles are one of the reasons why. Early-career and experienced scientists are kindly invited to discuss approaches for the registration and elimination of plastic pollution in permafrost, remote and polar regions. During this session participants are expected to show details about technological aspects of plastic identification, calculation of its amount and extraction. Feel free to show simple and extraordinary scientific information about instrumentation, laboratories and facilities. Specific details about the management and analysis of data are also welcome.