Open and FAIR Your Science
Co-organized by AS6/GI7/GM14
Convener: Caitlyn Hall | Co-conveners: Niels Drost, Lieke Melsen, Tim van Emmerik
Mon, 04 May, 12:30–14:15 (CEST)

For research to have the broadest possible impact and be of high community-supported caliber, it should be open and FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Methods to support open-access research output and tools are growing in popularity and are becoming increasingly easy to use. There is no time like the present to join the movement and this short course aims to introduce researchers to open and FAIR principles and methods, such as open access publishing, sharing data, code, and models, publishing negative/unexpected results, and efforts to increase reproducibility. FAIR science allows scientists, decision-makers, and the broader public to better access science and engineering research output and better understand its broader impacts. In this Short Course, invited experts will introduce and demonstrate the general concepts of open and FAIR methods and technologies and their benefits for the researcher. The general introduction will be followed by an interactive discussion on FAIRness in geoscience, the exchange of experiences, and an outlook to the future of research. Finally, we will give several examples of how you can make your science open and FAIR.

This short course is part of an on-going series to connect scientists with more resources to promote openness in geoscience, including a session and an open science special issue entitled "Open Hydrology: Advances towards fully reproducible, re-usable and collaborative research methods in Hydrology" convened by Nijzink et al. and other resource focused sessions (e.g., EarthArXiv) at EGU2020!