Large Ensemble Climate Models Simulations as Tools for Exploring Natural Variability, Change Signals, and Impacts
Co-organized by CL2/HS13
Convener: Flavio Lehner | Co-conveners: Andrea Dittus, Ralf Ludwig, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Karin van der Wiel
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

Several large ensemble model simulations from General Circulation Models (GCM), Earth System Models (ESM), or Regional Climate Models (RCM), have been generated over the recent years to investigate internal variability and forced changes of the climate system - and to aid the interpretation of the observational record by providing a range of historical climate trajectories that could have been. The increased availability of large ensembles also enables broadening their application to new and inter-disciplinary fields.

This session invites studies using large GCM, ESM, or RCM ensembles looking at the following topics: 1) forced changes in internal variability and reinterpretation of observed record; 2) development of new approaches to attribution of observed events or trends; 3) impacts of natural climate variability; 4) assessment of extreme and compound event occurrence; 5) use of large ensembles for robust decision making; 6) large ensembles as testbeds for method development; and 7) novel methods for efficient analysis and post-processing of large ensembles.

We welcome research across the components of the Earth system and particularly invite studies that apply novel methods or cross-disciplinary approaches to leverage the potential of large ensembles.

Public information:
Announcement: Note that this session will be conducted in two parts:

1) The official #ShareEGU20 live chat. May 8, 14:00-15:45.

2) An additional live streaming of oral presentations. Friday, May 8, 16:15-18:00.
RSVP form:

Order of discussion for display items during the live chat:

Nathalie Schaller
2. Bin Yu
3. Benoit Hingray
4. Laura Suarez Gutierrez
5. Flavio Lehner
6. Bo Christiansen
7. Karsten Haustein
8. Renate Wilcke
9. Lea Beusch
10. Andrea Böhnisch
11. Satoshi Watanabe
12. Peter Watson
13. Tamas Bodai
14. Gabor Drotos
15. Gerhard Smiatek
16. Ralf Hand (1st display)
17. Ralf Hand (2nd display)
18. Mátyás Herein

19. Joel Zeder
20. Sebastian Milinski
21. Anna Merrifield
22. Raul R. Wood
23. Shipra Jain
24. Aaron Spring