Multiphase chemistry of secondary aerosol formation under severe haze
Convener: Yafang Cheng | Co-conveners: Pingqing Fu, Jingkun Jiang, Nan Ma, Hang Su
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

Fine-particle pollution associated with haze threatens the health of more than 1 billion people in China. Extremely high PM2.5 concentrations are frequently observed especially during the winter haze event in northern China. Even after accounting for aerosol-radiation-meteorology feedback and improving the emission inventory, state-of-the-art models still fail to capture the observed high PM2.5 concentrations, suggesting the missing of key chemistry for the secondary aerosol formation. To improve the prediction and control strategy of PM2.5, we are in urgent need of a better understanding of the chemistry of secondary aerosol formation. Thus we propose the session "Multiphase chemistry of secondary aerosol formation under severe haze" to promote the research and discussion on this topic which is highly relevant for both atmospheric chemists and the public.

The session is open for all submissions which addresses, but is not limited to, the following questions concerning secondary aerosol formation: What are the key oxidation pathways leading to aerosol formation under clean and polluted conditions? What is the role of multiphase chemistry versus gas phase chemistry? Are laboratory determined kinetic data of multiphase chemistry directly applicable for ambient conditions and if not, how to derive and determine the reaction kinetics relevant for ambient conditions? What is the aerosol particles’ and droplets’ pH and how does it influence the multiphase chemistry? What is the role of the RH, temperature, mixing state and aerosol phase state in multiphase chemistry and how does aerosol mixing state play a role? What's the contribution of aqueous secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation under highly polluted conditions?

A special issue of the same topic has already been approved and launched in the EGU journal "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics".

Public information:
Session invited talk (live presentations on Zoom Meetings):

Mon, 04 May, 14:00-15:45 (Vienna Time)

14:00-14:35 Markku Kulmala, Reducing urban new particle formation as a plausible solution to
mitigate particulate air pollution in Beijing and other Chinese megacities
14:35-15:10 Gregory Carmichael, Aerosol Chemistry and Effects in the Anthropocene
15:10-15:45 Meng Gao, Aerosol Pollution in Asia and Its Interactions with Climate

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