The evolving Open and FAIR ecosystem for Solid Earth and Environmental sciences: challenges, opportunities, and other adventures
Co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Florian Haslinger | Co-conveners: Helen Glaves, Shelley Stall, Lesley Wyborn
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Digital data, software and samples are key inputs that underpin research and ultimately scholarly publications, and there are increasing expectations from policy makers and funders that they will be Open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Open, accessible, high-quality data, software and samples are critical to ensure the integrity of published research and to facilitate reuse of these inputs in future scientific efforts. In Europe, adherence to the INSPIRE directive becomes gradually more enforced by national legislations, affecting also the data lifecycle in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

These issues and challenges get addressed at increasing pace today, with journals changing their policies towards openness of data and software connected to publications, and national, European and global initiatives and institutions developing more and more services around Open and FAIR data, covering curation, distribution and processing. Yet, researchers, as producers as well as users of data, products, and software, continue to struggle with the requirements and conditions they encounter in this evolving environment.

An inclusive, integrated approach to Open and FAIR is required, with consistent policies, standards and guidelines covering the whole research data lifecycle, addressing also basic legal frameworks e.g. for intellectual property and licensing. At the same time, the research community needs to further develop a common understanding of best practices and appropriate scientific conduct adequate for this new era, and could still better share tools and techniques.

This session solicits papers from researchers, repositories, publishers, funders, policy makers and anyone having a story to share on and further evolution of an integrated, Open and FAIR research ecosystem.