The Skin of the Earth - Where Life Meets Rocks
Convener: Friedhelm von Blanckenburg | Co-convener: Kirstin Übernickel
Mon, 04 May, 18:00–19:15 (CEST)

Communicating complex science into the public is a task for all of us - and audiovisual formats reach furthest. Within the research network “EarthShape – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” we have attempted to do this with a science movie, showing fascinating landscapes in Chile, scientists at work, conceptual animations, and even dance!

The topic is: What forms the landscapes of the Earth with its mountains, rivers, soils, the places we live in? Is Earth’s surface shaped when rocks are uplifted by geologic forces, and are then destroyed by rain, ice, and wind; or do plants with their roots, animals that dig into soil and the vast number of microorganisms shape the landscapes?

The movie was designed and produced by:
Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Potsdam Wolfgang Dümcke, Filmbüro-Potsdam Kirstin Übernickel, Universität Tübingen

Public information:
Planned schedule:
18:00 Welcome to the chat
Your to-do:
• go to the Complete playlist on youtube for EN, ES, GER versions (32.5Mins) & stand alone animations :
• select the version you want to see (EN, ES, GER)
18:15 we start watching the movie in parallel – chatting meanwhile will be possible
18:38 End of movie – start of Question, Comments & Information Round
19:15 End of chat session

More info about the EarthShape Project: