Global Broadband Seismic Networks: Adapting to Evolving Needs and Challenges for Basic Research and Monitoring
Convener: Katrin Hafner | Co-conveners: Martin Vallée, Angelo Strollo, Carlo Cauzzi, Florian Haslinger
Thu, 07 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

The Global Seismology Community is fortunate to have a large number of land-based broadband seismic stations distributed around the globe. In light of evolving fundamental research and monitoring requirements, and continuing advances in instrumentation and other technologies, it is beneficial to periodically review the capabilities of these networks of seismic stations, and verify that these networks are serving their user communities. Pursuing new directions, or just maintaining existing stations in flat and declining budgets may also require more cooperation among the major global networks to achieve the desired global coverage of high quality, broad-band seismic stations/networks.

We invite you to participate in discussions about such topics as:

1) What are the scientific directions/missions that should guide future directions in global seismic networks?

2) What are the future plans for the global networks?

2) What additional measurements (if any) would help to expand the usage of the seismic data?

3) Are there locations where additional stations would be useful?

4) Are there locations where we are duplicating efforts?