Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


SSS – Soil System Sciences

Programme group chair: Claudio Zaccone

SSS11 – Material and Methods in Soil Science

Programme group scientific officers: Thomas Iserloh, Xiangzhou Xu


Soils are formed through complex processes often resulting in a highly heterogeneous mixture of organic and mineral phases, whose analysis requires structural insight across several length scales. Therefore, the choice of analysis methods for investigation of soil chemical, biochemical and physical properties play very important role in the progress of soil science. New research approaches, such as “lab on phone” that has appeared in scientific literature during the last few years, and which specifies the use of smartphones as analytical instruments in labs and also for field experiments, could serve as easily available soil analysis method and as means to increase involvement of the society to the soil science research. On the other hand, the unceasing developments in advanced synchrotron based analytical techniques continue to break frontiers in how questions on soil biogeochemistry and structure can be addressed, particularly at micro- and nano-scales.

This session will explore the diverse possibilities offered by various analytical techniques: from advanced synchrotron based ones, to the “lab on phone”, ICP-MS, GC-MS, HPLC-MS, TGA-MS, FTIR, fluorescence and others, in the analysis of soils.

Public information:
New techniques are a prerequisite to widen the scope of knowledge, or to simplify and speed up known procedures

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Tonu Tonutare | Co-conveners: Luis Carlos Colocho Hurtarte, Manfred Sager, Viia Lepane, Milda Pucetaite
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Soil is the key element in the Earth System acting as a control on hydrological, biological, erosional and geochemical cycles. Moreover, the soils are a critical resource for food and fiber production that sustains human societies. Because of the crucial role that soils play in the Earth System, soil conservation is necessary to achieve a sustainable world. This session provides the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of experimental, theoretical, and applied soil conservation and eco sustainability. The session will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Remote sensing
Lab experiments
Field experiments
Environmental regulation and monitoring
Economic technology and instruments
Modeling and decision support tools

Soil micromorphology
Surface and subsurface
Geomorphology and spatial
Erosional and depositional processes
Watershed geomorphology

Soil evolution and weathering
Soils and surface processes
Geomorphic change
Land use impacts on geomorphology
Landscape degradation and restoration
Applied soil science

Soil and water conservation
Environmental sustainability
Resource management
Sustainable cities
Health and the Environment
Hazardous substances and detection techniques

Public information:
How to make a live online chat presentation in EGU 2020

Dear authors,
We are starting our first virtual General Assembly, which will be a historical landmark. Nevertheless, most scientists are not accustomed to the live online chat. The following guides may do help to your presentation:
(1) Prepare your presentation materials IN TEXT in advance of the session discussion. Remember please: hardly anyone has time to read the materials connected to your abstract before.
(2) Paste the text materials as soon as your presentation begins, and then wait the questions from the colleagues. The attached figure shows the chat webpage.
(3) Answer the questions in concise sentences. Attention please: you will not have enough time to write a very long discussion online.

Kind regards,

Conveners of SSS11.4 Development of new technologies in soil conservation and eco sustainability, EGU2020

Convener: Xiangzhou Xu | Co-conveners: Tingwu Lei, Paolo Tarolli, Peiqing Xiao
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

A well-designed experiment is a crucial methodology in Soil Science, Geomorphology and Hydrology.
Depending on the specific research topic, a great variety of tempo-spatial scales is addressed.
From raindrop impact and single particle detachment to the shaping of landscapes: experiments are designed and conducted to illustrate problems, clarify research questions, develop and test hypotheses, generate data and deepen process understanding.
Every step involved in design, construction, conduction, processing and interpretation of experiments and experimental data might be a challenge on itself, and discussions within the community can be a substantial and fruitful component for both, researchers and teachers.
This PICO session offers a forum for experimentalists, teachers, students and enthusiasts.
We invite you to present your work, your questions, your results and your method, to meet, to discuss, to exchange ideas and to consider old and new approaches.
Join the experimentalists!

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Thomas Iserloh | Co-conveners: Miriam Marzen, Jorge Isidoro, Ian Pattison, Wolfgang Fister
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

The MacGyver session focuses on novel sensors made, or data sources unlocked, by scientists. All geoscientists are invited to present
- new sensor systems, using technologies in novel or unintended ways
- new data storage or transmission solutions sending data from the field with LoRa, WIFI, GSM, or any other nifty approach
- started initiatives (e.g., Open-Sensing.org) that facilitate the creation and sharing of novel sensors, data acquisition and transmission systems.

Connected a sensor for iPhone to an Arduino or Raspberri Pi? 3D printed an automated water quality sampler? Or build a Cloud Storage system from Open Source Components? Show it! New methods in hydrology, plant physiology, seismology, remote sensing, ecology, etc. are all welcome. Bring prototypes and demonstrations to make this the most exciting Poster Only (!) session of the General Assembly.

This session is co-sponsered by MOXXI, the working group on novel observational methods of the IAHS.

Co-organized by BG3/GI1/SSS11
Convener: Rolf Hut | Co-conveners: Theresa Blume, Elisa Coraggio, Flavia Tauro, Andy Wickert
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)