EGU General Assembly 2021
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Combination of GNSS orbits using variance component estimation

Gustavo Mansur1,2, Pierre Sakic1, Andreas Brack1, Benjamin Männel1, and Harald Schuh1,2
Gustavo Mansur et al.
  • 1Technical University of Berlin, Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Technology, School VI Planning Building Environment, Berlin, Germany (
  • 2Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany

The International GNSS Service (IGS) publishes operationally GPS and GLONASS orbit and clock products with the highest accuracy. These final products result from a combination using as input products determined by the IGS Analysis Centers (ACs). The method to perform the combination was developed in the early nineties by Springer and Beutler and is used until nowadays despite some updates made over the years mainly to improve the clock combination and the alignment with the current ITRF. Over the past years, towards the Multi-GNSS Experiment and Pilot Project (MGEX) the IGS has been putting efforts into extending its service. Several MGEX ACs contribute by providing solutions containing not only GPS and GLONASS but also Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS. For MGEX an orbit and clock combination is still not consolidated inside the IGS and requires studies in order to provide a consistent solution.

We will present a least-squares framework for a multi-GNSS orbit combination, where the weights used to combine the ACs' orbits are determined by least-squares variance component estimation.  In this contribution, we will introduce and compare two weighting strategies, where either AC specific weights or AC plus constellation specific weights are used. Both strategies are tested using MGEX orbit solutions for a period of two and a half years. They yield similar results where the agreement between combined and individual products is around one centimeter for GPS and up to a few centimeters for the other constellations. The agreement is generally slightly better using the AC plus constellation weighting. A comparison of our combination approach with the official combined IGS final solution using three years of GPS, and GLONASS orbits from the regular IGS processing show an agreement of better than 5 mm and 12 mm for GPS and GLONASS, respectively. An external validation using Satellite Laser Ranging is performed for our combined MGEX orbit solutions with both weighting schemes and shows offsets values in the millimeter level for all constellations except to QZSS where the values reach a few centimeters.

How to cite: Mansur, G., Sakic, P., Brack, A., Männel, B., and Schuh, H.: Combination of GNSS orbits using variance component estimation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1102,, 2021.

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