EGU General Assembly 2021
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Disentangeling the shortwave surface energy balance in earth system models

Kine Onsum Moseid
Kine Onsum Moseid
  • The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Climate modelling and air pollution, Norway (

The Earth’s surface energy balance is heavily affected by incoming solar radiation and how it propagates through our atmosphere. How the sunlight propagates towards the surface depends on the atmospheric presence of aerosols, gases, and clouds. 

Surface temperature evolution according to earth system models (ESMs) in the historical experiment from the coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 (CMIP6) suggests that models may be overly sensitive to aerosol forcing. Other studies have found that ESMs do not recreate observed decadal patterns in surface shortwave radiation - suggesting the models inaccurately underestimate the shortwave impact of atmospheric aerosols. These contradictory results act as a basis for our study.
Our study decomposes what determines both all sky and clear sky downwelling shortwave radiation at the surface in ESMs, using different experiments of CMIP6. We try to determine the respective role of aerosols, clouds and gases in the shortwave energy balance at the surface, and assess the effect of seasonality and regional differences.

How to cite: Moseid, K. O.: Disentangeling the shortwave surface energy balance in earth system models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15200,, 2021.


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