Open-source structural modeling with GemPy


Open-source structural modeling with GemPy
Convener: Miguel de la Varga | Co-conveners: Alexander Jüstel, Alexander Schaaf, Florian Wellmann
Tue, 27 Apr, 09:00–10:00 (CEST)
Public information:
The objective of this course is to teach geoscientists, engineers and researchers all the basics about 3D structural geological modeling using our open-source Python libraries: GemPy and GemGIS.

GemPy ([]( is an implicit geological modeling library that in recent years have become a core component on the open source geoscientific ecosystem. Originally built to analyze uncertainty of structural models - by the use of Bayesian networks, GemPy is capable to represent complex geological geometries - e.g. folds, faults, unconformities - with a reduce number of parameters. In addition, GemPy provide an array of compatible addons and assets such as built-in visualization (powered by vtk), topology analysis, forward geophysics or volumetric kriging. GemGIS is compatible open-source geographic information processing library, capable of preprocessing spatial data such as vector data (shape files, geojson files, geopackages), raster data, data obtained from WMS services or XML/KML files.

The course will give an introduction to much of these functionality including step-by-step tutorials in Jupyter notebooks. Some of the topics will be

- Installation
- Your first model from scratch: conformable layers, unconformities, faults, geophysics, topology
- Modeling landscape: Short theoretical overview
- GemGIS: Importing data from QGIS to GemPy

The course is aimed at PhD students, early career scientist and programming enthusiasts. Jupyter notebooks will be provided and attendees are encourage to follow along programming. Simply just listening to familiarize with the software and its key features is also welcome.

Session assets


  • Miguel de la Varga
  • Alexander Jüstel, Fraunhofer IEG, Germany
  • Florian Wellmann, RWTH Aachen, Germany