Towards the open: current challenges and future directions in publication practices


Towards the open: current challenges and future directions in publication practices
Convener: Daniel Evans | Co-conveners: Hannes Schmidt, Laura Schnee, Alix Vidal, Layla Márquez San Emeterio
Wed, 21 Apr, 15:30–17:00 (CEST)
Public information:
In this multidisciplinary Townhall session, we will discuss the current challenges of the publication system, and explore some of the emerging opportunities which aim to render it more open and fair. This event follows a series of engaging articles published in the European Journal of Soil Science in late 2020, initiated by Professor Philippe Baveye from Saint Loup Research Institute in France, on the issues of bypass and hyperbole. A response authored by an international network of early career soil scientists also showcased the difficulties faced by reviewers, as well as the opportunities provided by open access publishing. These likely represent challenges faced across a broad array of geoscience disciplines. The goal of this Townhall is to bring together participants from all EGU divisions to share their perspectives on the limitations of the current publication system, and the emerging possibilities to make it more open and fair to all.

A diverse and international panel comprising both an early career and an established scientist, together with representatives from journal publishing platforms with varying open access options, will present their own perspectives on the challenges and new opportunities in publication practices, which will be followed by an open discussion by all interested conference participants.


  • Jennifer Dungait, United Kingdom
  • Philippe C. Baveye, Saint Loup Research Institute, France
  • Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S, Belgium
  • Kornelia Korzec