GD ECS-event


GD ECS-event
Convener: Anna Gülcher | Co-convener: Iris van Zelst
Tue, 20 Apr, 12:30–13:30 (CEST)
Public information:
The GD Early Career Scientists (ECS) event "Informal lunch" aims at providing an informal platform for networking opportunities. This event is particularly aimed at ECS to connect with fellow early-career scientists from their field and to learn more about the Geodynamics division and its activities. As the event is scheduled very early on in the conference, it is also the perfect opportunity to gather tips and tricks on how to make the most of the virtual GA.

You can join simply by the Zoom link that will be provided here in the programme shortly before the start of the event.

Grab yourself a coffee/lunch, and we hope to see you there and have some fun!