Practice pitching your policy ask to a policymaker


Practice pitching your policy ask to a policymaker
Convener: Chloe Hill
Wed, 28 Apr, 17:00–18:00 (CEST)
Public information:
Following on from the How to influence policy through engaging with Parliaments Short Course, this networking session will give attendees the opportunity to practice pitching their research findings or policy ask to a policymaker. The interactive nature of this session will give attendees the opportunity to develop their skills in presenting their research to a policy audience. It will begin with a brief overview of principles of effective communication with policymakers, then attendees will have the opportunity to do a quick pitch of their research findings and policy ask, before receiving constructive feedback from session conveners and other attendees. It will also give attendees the chance to identify potential collaborations with other members of EGU with similar policy interests.

While it is recommended that attendees also attend the How to influence policy through engaging with Parliaments Short Course that will be hosted directly before this networking session, it is not necessary or a prerequisite to joining. The topics discussed during the session will be complementary to the Short Course but will also be useful as stand-alone tools. Attendees should come with an idea in their head of the ‘policy ask’ they want to pitch (e.g. a change in law, new legislation or regulation, change in government priority or something else). This may relate to their own research or that of others.

Moderator: Chloe Hill, EGU Policy Officer

- Sarah Foxen: Knowledge Exchange Lead at POST, UK Parliament
- Theodoros Karapiperis, Head of Scientific Foresight (STOA) Unit at European Parliament