EGU22-13283, updated on 18 Sep 2024
EGU General Assembly 2022
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Vegetation variability and temperature forecasts

Iman Rousta1,2 and Haraldur Olafsson2
Iman Rousta and Haraldur Olafsson
  • 1Yazd University
  • 2University of Iceland, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Science Institute

Recent research, based on remote sensing of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has revealed substantial interannual variability in the maximum vegetation in Iceland.  This variability is primarily related to temperature, but also to some extent to precipitation.  Most, if not all, operational numerical weather prediction models for that region do however use climatological values for vegetation with no interannual variability.

A preliminary investigation of temperature forecasts in the highlands of Iceland indicates that high NDVI correlates with positive bias of temperature forecasts.  This is presumably associated with the impact of increased vegetation on the Bowen ratio in sparsely vegetated regions, but local circulation may also play a role.  

How to cite: Rousta, I. and Olafsson, H.: Vegetation variability and temperature forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13283,, 2022.