The future of (geo)scientific conferences
Tue, 24 May, 13:20–16:40 (CEST) Room E1
Public information:
This Union Symposia session is composed of two timeblocks; presentations from speakers in the first, followed by Q&A and discussion in the second.
- Guy Brasseur, AGU Fall Meeting Program Committee Chair & Senior Scientist and Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg
- Stephanie Zihms, Lecturer in Researcher Development at the University of the West of Scotland
- Milan Klöwer, Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Climate Physics at the University of Oxford
- Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Meetings
Further panellists:
- Claudia Alves de Jesus-Rydin, Senior Research Programme Officer at
European Research Council Executive Agency and former Chair of the EGU
EDI Group
- Guy Brasseur, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
- Stephanie Zihms, Glasgow Caledonian Univesity, United Kingdom
- Milan Klöwer
- Thies Martin Rasmussen, Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH, Germany