Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
BG1.1 | It’s all about migration!
It’s all about migration!
This new session aims to cover research on all aspects of species’ migration. We are interested hearing from researchers who work on species that are either migratory by nature or are forced to migrate, i.e. by an increase in the frequency of disturbances such as climate change, anthropogenic factors, land use land cover change, etc. It’s open to all researchers who are working on terrestrial, marine or freshwater species (birds, plants, fish, mammals, etc.) It’s open to studies that cover all aspects of migration including trait and behavioral changes as a response to sudden or gradual environmental changes, and at all temporal scales. Studies that emphasize how changes in migratory behavior may affect ecological interactions of taxa are also encouraged.