Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
EOS4.3 | What does policy engagement look like for scientists from energy and resources, soil, atmospheric, ocean, and biogeoscience disciplines?
What does policy engagement look like for scientists from energy and resources, soil, atmospheric, ocean, and biogeoscience disciplines?
Convener: Chloe Hill | Co-conveners: Calogero Schillaci, Ana Teresa Lima
Policy challenges in the 21st century are interconnected and complex. The amount of information needed to make an informed decision that adequately considers policy options are increasing and subsequently a broad range of scientific evidence is required to deal with them. Researchers across many disciplines acknowledge these demands and are motivated to participate in the policymaking process and support evidence-informed policymaking. While there are now many resources available to scientists who would like to engage in the policymaking process, finding specific information or practical examples that relate to a specific discipline or field of research can be challenging.

This session aims to bridge that gap by highlighting success stories from scientists who have engaged in policy -either on a European or local level - across different scientific disciplines. This session is relevant for scientists from all career levels and will provide space for follow-up questions and a discussion with the participants.