Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
BG5.3 | Novel molecular tools (biomarkers and DNA) in climatic and environmental archives – challenges, advances, and prospects
Novel molecular tools (biomarkers and DNA) in climatic and environmental archives – challenges, advances, and prospects
Convener: Doreen Huang | Co-conveners: Marina Morlock, Tobias Schneider
Recent developments in the analysis of biomarkers (lipids, photo-pigments, sterols, etc.) and DNA extracted from soils, peats, speleothems, and sediments enable unique insights into the history of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Examples include the study of long-term biodiversity change, microbial element cycling, organic matter composition, and environmental variables (pH, temperature, moisture sources). Molecular techniques further offer a differentiated view on the climate-environment-human nexus through investigation of leads/lags in specific proxies resolving cultivated plants, domestic animals, industrial activity, and climate.
However, basic aspects of the source-transport-sink processes, and the taphonomy of biomolecules in these systems remain sometimes obscure. Additionally, the complexity of the samples extracted from natural archives challenge researchers in their interpretation and understanding.
Therefore, our session aims at gathering biogeochemists, geomicrobiologists, and paleo-researchers applying lipid biomarkers and/or DNA analysis to different natural archives. We particularly encourage submissions that target analytical and interpretative challenges and advances when using biomolecules for paleo-environmental reconstructions as well as the presentation of novel analytical approaches (non-destructive, and destructive) and data analysis (machine learning, AI) that reveal the future direction of this scientific field.