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GMPV1.1 | Modern advances in the understanding and application of thermochronology
Modern advances in the understanding and application of thermochronology
Convener: Cody Colleps | Co-conveners: Maxime Bernard, Margo Odlum, Marie Genge
Modern empirical advancements in thermochronology have significantly broadened its applicability to address a diversity of Earth-system processes at varying spatial and temporal scales. In turn, novel applications of modern thermochronometric technique often expose significant limitations in our understanding of varying thermochronometric systems, along with their associated quantification models. This session broadly aims to expose the state-of-the-art of high and low temperature thermochronometric systems—including but not limited to the U-Pb, Ar/Ar, fission track, Raman dating, (U-Th)/He, and trapped charge systems—and assess their ability (and disability) to establish reliable thermal histories for geological interpretation. We welcome contributions that highlight (1) recent experimental advancements that establish new thermochronometers or augment our understanding of current systems, (2) innovative applications of thermochronology that utilize prevailing techniques, (3) discrepancies between model predictions and natural datasets, and (4) new approaches to quantify and model thermochronometric data.