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HS3.7 | Hydroinformatics for Mineral Resources applications
Hydroinformatics for Mineral Resources applications
Convener: Emmanouil Varouchakis | Co-conveners: Nasser Madani, Muhammet Deveci, Sofia Barbosa, Pablo Brito Parada
The extraction of raw materials accounts for significant shares of the total global environmental impacts. Mine life cycle may affect surface and groundwater quality and quantity during mine evaluation, development, operation, mineral processing, closure and reclamation. Groundwater and surface water stress, potential water resources pollution as well as excess surface runoff and droughts under climate change effects can exert negative influences on mining economics by creating risks for operational continuity, miners’ safety and adverse environmental impacts. Generally, mining management must be conscientious about runoff from precipitation, the existing water table, and the possibility of flooding.
Integration of Hydroinformatics into mining activities provide useful tools to address and mitigate the aforementioned risks. This session aims to provide a stage where academics, researchers and engineers form the mining sector can present, analyze, discuss and interpret their findings.
A non-exclusive list of topics of interest relative to mining applications include:
• Predictive and analytical models based on statistics, geostatistics, computational intelligence and data science
• Remote sensing applications
• Advanced methods of time series and data analytics.
• Applications of systems analysis and optimization in water resources
• Novel methods of analyzing model uncertainty and sensitivity
• Climate change impact
• Surface water/Groundwater quality and quantity monitoring
• Hydroinformatics characterization of mine tailing storage facilities
• Mine water drainage