Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
HS5.10 | From research to practice: creating impact by managing the WEFE nexus and pursuing climate resilience
From research to practice: creating impact by managing the WEFE nexus and pursuing climate resilience
Convener: Elena Matta | Co-conveners: Aitor Corchero Rodriguez, Chrysi Laspidou, Andrea Cominola
One of the hardest challenges as a researcher is turning research into practice, having an impact on policies and operations, and engaging stakeholders in a way that they truly adopt our successful solutions. Scientists often struggle to make their voice heard by policy- and decision-makers. This session calls for contributions aimed at turning research into practice, with a primary focus on solutions generated by European research projects and other international experiences. The topics we are looking for range from water energy food and ecosystems nexus (WEFE) management to climate change impacts, adaptation, and resilience. Use cases in different pilot areas that implement innovative technological approaches, nature-based solutions, dams’ operation, use of renewables, and/or integrations among different measures (e.g., water, land, and energy management) are welcome, as well as success cases of research that had/is having an impact on local, national, and/or international policies and decisions.