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PS3.1 | Advances in Modeling the Formation and Chemical Composition of Terrestrial Planets
Advances in Modeling the Formation and Chemical Composition of Terrestrial Planets
Convener: Nader Haghighipour | Co-conveners: Samuele CrespiECSECS, Birgit LoibneggerECSECS
The past few years have seen major advances in the field of planet formation and the formation of planetary systems. New theories have been developed and computational models have become deeply sophisticated. For instance, pebble accretion has opened a new chapter in planet formation and more accurate simulations of giant impacts have enabled terrestrial planet formation models to branch away from the traditional perfect-merging scenario and have placed them on the path to becoming quantitative. Also, recent ideas on the early instabilities in our solar system have opened a new pathway to adopting more realistic initial conditions for the formation of our terrestrial planets and the origin of their chemical compositions. As such, these advances have also paved the way for extending new ideas to the formation of other planetary systems as well. We propose a session to present the above-mentioned advances through a combination of invited and contributed talks (as well as poster presentations). We will welcome abstracts for oral and poster contributions in all areas related to theoretical, observational and experimental studies of terrestrial planet formation in our solar system and extrasolar planets.