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NP8.1 | Wave-current interactions in coastal areas
Wave-current interactions in coastal areas
Convener: Verónica Morales MárquezECSECS | Co-conveners: Dr. Anne-Claire Bennis, Konstandinos Belibassakis, Julien Touboul
Ocean currents have an important role on the circulation in the upper oceanic boundary layer, affecting to the transport of physical, chemical and biological variables across the world oceans. In the last decades, the scientific community have proved that waves can modify substantially the intensity and direction of ocean currents. In the same way, significant scientific effort was undertaken to model linear, weakly or strongly non-linear waves with constant, or slowly varying currents. However, the study of the effect of non-uniform currents on the waves is still a hot topic. This wave-current interaction is even a more big issue at coastal areas, due to the different transformation waves processes such as, the interplay with the bottom or with different engineering structures, coastal management, harbor maintenance exploitation of renewable energy sources among others. In addition, we cannot forget that coastal areas are the first defense against flooding and erosion hazards, while at the same time being attractive environments in terms of leisure activities and tourism economy. The scope of the session involves all the aspects of the wave-current interaction including wave and current stability, wave dynamics, and energy propagation, more especially in coastal areas, from experimental, numerical and theoretical approaches.