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SSS9.3 | Interactions between soil and spontaneous flora in a climate change scenario
Interactions between soil and spontaneous flora in a climate change scenario
Convener: Nebojša Nikolić | Co-conveners: Roberta Masin, Alfredo Manicardi, Nafissa Soudani
Spontaneously occurring flora, such as weeds and invasive plant species, is one of the main constraints in agricultural production, landscape architecture and forestry, by competing with crops and planted species, obstructing the harvest, producing toxins harmful to human and animal health, and reducing the aesthetic value of certain areas. To live and develop, all plants require the same basic minerals and water, therefore the soil plays a vital role in developing cultivated plants and spontaneous flora. Soil is also a complex system of bacteria, fungi, viruses and insects that hugely impact on plant metabolism. Roots are submerged in a soil microbiome, which supplies nutrients to plants, protects them from disease and infections, and assists plants in adapting to environmental changes. Unfortunately, the world is threatened by climate change, that is increasing global temperature and affecting precipitation patterns. Being closely linked to the climate system, the soil is also undergoing changes that may have an impact on the development and spread of spontaneous flora that, unlike crops, were not domesticated by humans and have kept a huge genetic plasticity, therefore high adaptability potential. In this scenario, the interrelationship between vegetation species and climate change needs to be investigated and monitored continuously. In this session, we welcome works based on studies involving scientists from different fields, such as soil, plant, weed, agricultural, forest, ecological, landscape architecture and climate sciences to enhance our knowledge about soil-spontaneous flora interaction. The purpose of the session is to share knowledge of all those whose interests lie in weed and invasive plant science, which is inevitably linked to the soil, focusing on the development and distribution of the species. We encourage contributions addressing issues concerning the interaction of spontaneously occurring plants with agricultural, forestry, polluted, urban area soils and all soils directly or indirectly under human influence. The session solicits contributions related, but not limited, to plant species characterized as weeds and invasive species. Early-stage researchers are strongly encouraged to present their research.