Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
HS10.5 | Ecohydrology in agroecosystems
Ecohydrology in agroecosystems
Convener: Fabrice Vinatier | Co-conveners: Gabrielle Rudi, Seraphine Grellier, Clémence Chaudron
Ecohydrological processes are of primary importance in agroecosystems, shaping water
fluxes through landscapes vertically and horizontally. Human practices are a key lever to
modify the composition and properties of landscape elements, i.e., cultivated fields and their
interfaces such as ditches and riparian borders. While the understanding of these processes
are important to improve agricultural management (e.g., reducing soil erosion and water
stress), there is an increasing scientific demand to determine how natural fragments can
balance ecohydrological processes in agricultural production systems. This is necessary to
support innovative and sustainable practices in fields such as agroforestry and agroecology.
This session aims to bring together studies that take into account different agroecosystem
components in ecohydrological assessments. We invite contributions that focus on the impact
(either positive or negative) of human intervention through different land uses and their
associated agricultural practices. We encourage studies exhibiting links between human
practices and ecohydrological processes (e.g., plant transpiration and water use, influence of
vegetation on stream flow, organisms fluxes in water environment) across scales (plant, plot,
landscape and catchment) and methods (teledetection, proxydetection, experiments, remote
sensing, and modelling).